How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 487 - 488 Strong Pressure Giant Structure (Part 2)

Chapter 487: Chapter 488 Strong Pressure Giant Structure (Part 2)

The first order was very simple, that is, to let the huge cylindrical object die, but the death method is strange, because it is torn apart by its own centrifugal force.

In this regard, all the collectors who understand this experiment know it well, including the huge cylindrical object itself, and no one has any objection to these.

This kind of thing seems to be a matter of human life. It is a very ordinary thing in the society of collectors. In the process of breeding huge cylindrical objects in the universe, many transport creatures transformed by collectors die.

Death is just a common thing.

"The stress intersection point is changing by the strong centrifugal force, and the change range is positive and negative 4 interval values..."

"The direction of the torque is dualized, the lateral thickness of the experimental organism is increasing, and the diameter of the inner ring is increased by 12 percentage points..."

"There is a difference between the experimental parameters and the physical model. Change the error amount, import the experimental parameters, and re-establish a new physical model..."

According to the reporting parameters obtained from huge cylindrical objects, collectors increasingly understand what kind of changes will happen when an object keeps accelerating its spin.

This data information will become part of Amoeba\'s big data knowledge and technical reserve.

"Pay attention to it. It\'s starting to reach the limit."

At the beginning of the intensive learning of the feedback data, I remind other collectors to pay attention to it and not to make any mistakes.

After continuous acceleration of spin, the huge cylindrical object finally could no longer maintain its own structural state and began to disintegrate.

The first part of the disintegration is the stress intersection of the middle part of the huge cylindrical object, which is the most powerful part of the whole structure, so it is the first place to collapse.

The collapse first formed a micro-detectible crack, but it was captured by a powerful force in an instant and given strong force by these forces. The crack quickly expanded to form a ferocious crack on the surface of the huge cylindrical object. The crack continued to disintegrate, and in less than a few seconds, it turned into scattered fragments.

Some fragments violently hit huge cylindrical objects and other relatively intact debris, and high-speed flying objects directly smash them, forming more scattered debris debris.

A huge cylindrical object is like the moment of gorgeous evolutionary firecracker explosion at this moment, but these fireworks are physical fragments of high-speed movement.

"Data collection is complete."

"Do we need to continue to build a few more for practical testing?"

Some collectors asked for the first time, but refused at the beginning.

"No, there is no need to waste resources like this. We have collected enough test parameters. Next, we can deduce and design the giant organisms we need based on the physical models built by the test parameters."

This is like one plus one in mathematical calculation. When you have a thorough understanding of how to calculate one plus one and why the result is equal to two, it is not difficult to add problems such as one plus four and three plus two.

As the saying goes, one law is the same, and all laws are passed, that\'s the truth.

The construction in the star system has not slowed down, but in addition to the individuals who maintain infrastructure, most collectors engaged in mental activities have been initially summoned to the orbit of the retained habitable planet.

This is to ensure that there is no delay in information transmission and facilitate communication. The span between planets and planets is too large. Even light-speed communication such as radio will have a delay.

Collectors rely on the radio to form an Internet on the orbit of the planet, using their own brains as information terminals to interact with each other.

A cylindrical and hollow structure is envisaged, which is the original prototype template of the \'strong pressure giant structure\' that they need to design.

As its name describes, the strong pressure giant structure will form a \'strong pressure\', and collectors can rely on this strong pressure to achieve industrial production.

Strong pressure requires force to maintain it before it can exist. Any force can be used. According to the initial design idea, the force of strong pressure forming a strong pressure is centrifugal force. It relies on centrifugal force to squeeze the gas on the inner wall to achieve super-strong pressure.

From the beginning of the test, they already knew the limit that the strongest materials can reach today, and according to this, they began to standardize the body proportion and mass structure of the strong pressure giant structure.

In addition to the strength limit of the material, the collectors know the redistribution point of stress changes in that extreme centrifugal state, so as to focus on strengthening that part.

"Wait, why did you change the propulsion design of the strong pressure giant structure to biological pulse propulsion?"

Some collectors have launched an inquiry in this temporary Internet. In the design blueprint, the antimatter propulsion of the strong pressure giant structure is banned by biological pulses.

"Antimatter belongs to the strategic resources of the ethnic group and should be stored, not used."

"No, this is more wasteful of resources, which is not conducive to ethnic groups in the long run."

"What\'s the reason?"

The inquirer gave his own explanation.

"In the future, the strong pressure giant will be like the antimatter giant and star orbit. In the future, it will be produced in large quantities, which means that more biological pulse propulsion needs to meet the demand. The principle of biological pulse propulsion is to volatilize the solid fuel through high-energy thermal rays, and then through a strong electric field. The reverse thrust that exists after the beam is launched, Those high-energy material particles that have been sprayed out have no way to reuse them. The situation is not much different from the annihilated antimatter.

"If we look at it from manufacturing to use as a whole, due to the decline in the manufacturing cost of antimatter caused by the natural energy of stars, biological pulse propulsion consumes more resources for the population."

Information is quickly transmitted to individuals on the Internet. They begin to think about this problem. Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, the collectors re-promotion the antimatter to install it.

Due to the existence of physical models learned from actual testing, their huge design can be said to have no bottlenecks at the beginning, strength, structure, reaction reinforcement, etc., in one go.

After several weeks of rotation of the livable planet, it was conceived from the beginning and supplemented by the ideas of other collectors and the parameters of the actual test, the strong pressure giant structure was finally designed by the collectors.

The strong pressure giant structure is the most difficult to design at present. The difficulty coefficient is not equal to the risk coefficient. If it is a risk coefficient, it is naturally the top antimatter giant structure.

However, in terms of the difficulty coefficient, the antimatter giant structure does not need to consider too many internal forces, because the antimatter giant structure itself relies on a strong electric field to create antimatter. It has little to do with the internal force of the structure, but the strong pressure giant structure is different. It relies on centrifugal force, which is like throwing away a creature. It\'s the same as on a planet hundreds of times greater than the gravity of the earth, which is quite deadly.

"After the antimatter is hoarded enough, another test will be carried out immediately." The first road.

"I understand."

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