How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 832 - 833 We pray...

Chapter 832: Chapter 833 We pray...

In addition to paying attention to the progress of resource collection, the cluster leaders also pay attention to others.

The leader of the cluster asked, "What information has been collected from the memory information of the captive?"

The individual collector who searched the captured memories of the Bobul hegemony replied, "The coordinates of their territory, as well as the coordinates of some other peers."

"According to the information in memory, they, the seventh class of the door world, who claims to be the popul hegemon, seem to be hostile to the Konak Utopia we attacked before."

Knowing the information reported by his peers, the leader of the cluster thought about it and then asked back.

"Is there anything else?"

"No, it seems that we only capture some prisoners at the lower level. The internal hierarchy of the Beaufure hegemons is strict, and the information channels between the layers are extremely blocked, which is different from Konak."

The collectors thought that after capturing a group of prisoners, they could have a general understanding of the popul hegemons, but this was not the case.

The Bophyl hegemon is different from the Conak Utopia that the previous collectors have contacted. The information received by different individuals in different positions inside is completely different, and it is difficult for knowledge to circulate. In addition to knowing the large territory, the bottom warriors do not know how many star systems they control, even know the history of the Bophyl hegemons.

It seems that this is a fool policy made by the rulers in order to stabilize the foundation of their rule.

"How much territory does Popul have?" The cluster leader asked.

"32 star systems."

After obtaining the accurate data given by the same clan, the cluster leader released its decision.

"We will not attack the Bople hegemons first, give priority to development and growth, and then divide them into 32 branches to attack the whole territory of Pople at one time."

"In this way, even if the last thing happened, it can be more or less a big gain, rather than a return of blood."

The last battle to attack Conak Utopia can be said to be a big failure. The collectors not only didn\'t get anything, but also lost a lot.

After learning this lesson, the cluster leader thought about how to take down the Boer hegemony in a short time.

Obviously, it is the most direct and effective way to launch an offensive against all the territory of the Beaufure hegemons in one breath.

Unless the Bouvre hegemons can respond quickly in a short time and then quickly defend every star system in the whole territory, even if they fall into a tug of war, they will not let the collectors get nothing.

After a simple thought, you can understand the thoughts of the cluster leader, because this is not complicated, and the response is understood by the same family.

"Understand, this begins to focus all our energy on production."

The collectors chose to temporarily give up the attack, but the Bofus overlords will not settle down.

At this time, they are trying to jump in the spiritual realm.

"We can\'t jump into the lost world. In line with the report, the Amoeba can seal the ability to use the spiritual realm."

The collectors use the ripple giant structure, and the ripples of spacetime will interfere with the use of the spiritual domain. The constantly changing space-time coordinates make it impossible for the Bofure hegemonic to jump through the spiritual realm to enter the star system taken by the collectors.

"Unable to use the spiritual realm... There are much fewer ways to deal with the Amoeba." Some high-level officials are stuck in thought.

The leader of the Bofure hegemony gave the order directly.

"Sacrifice and let the spirit take action."

The high-level officials who heard the order couldn\'t help but ask back.

"Lead, is this good? When the spirit enters the scope of the influence of the Amoeba, he may also lose the ability to use the spiritual realm.

"If you lose it, you will lose it. You can\'t fulfill your prayers. It\'s the one who is negligent. This is just a test. I want to know to what extent the use of the spirit realm of the Amoeba people can be."

Whether Lingzun fulfills their prayers or not, the Bople hegemon will not lose, and the leaders of the Bople hegemons have a good calculation.

"If even the spiritual respect can influence, then they will be more valuable for us."

"It\'s enough for us to have one in this class, and other aliens are not qualified to be tied with us at all."

Hearing these words of the Bofuru hegemons, the senior officials all realized it.

"You think... I understand."

On the spiritual altar dedicated to the Boul hegemons, the prayer is passionately and solemnly chanting prayers to the spirit.

"Listen to my call! Blooming flowers! Gorgeous and eye-catching! The creator of prosperity! The great and immortal overlooker! Lord of glory! Thousands of beautiful incarnations! One of the mysterious ones! Son of the Spiritual Realm! Symbol of the gift! Thousands of prosperous creations! We are here to offer sacrifices and prayers to you! Please fulfill my wish!"

[Πρ? πεινααποτελ? σετεδημιουργε? τοευχ? ριστοδ? ρο,ζωηρ?? στιγμια? ο? μυρι? δα?]

The spirit came at the same time, and the long voice seemed to be chanted by people from the endless other side, and the chaos in the spiritual realm became more distorted and became more beautiful and colorful.

The unknown is hidden in it, which seems to be real and false. In the hazy, the prayers can faintly see the extremely great posture in the chaos of the spiritual realm.

There is no need to know his identity without words, that is the son of the spiritual realm named \'the creation of prosperity\'!

The prayers of the Bofuru hegemons made a wish to the spiritual master that they had prepared for a long time.

"Our wish is to destroy the Amoeba people who invaded our territory!

He stared at the extremely great posture with great piety, but it did not respond immediately.


[Change your wish.]

The creation of prosperity and reply to the prayers. Such a clear expression of wishes is a phenomenon that has never been seen since ancient times, so that the prayers are collectively shrouded in consternation.


"The great spiritual realm, what we say is the greatest wish. Isn\'t it enough for the evil Amoeba people to rob the world we have lived in for generations to take home?"

The leader of the sacrifice asked devoutly that the purpose of their prayers was to deal with Amoeba. If this could not be achieved, it would be meaningless to summon the spiritual master.

[Yes.] Thousands of prosperous answers.

"We will increase the amount of sacrifices and take one-tenth of the accumulated sacrifices in the past."

Ling Zun\'s attack on Amoeba is the strategic plan of Amoeba after the relationship with the Bobul hegemons, which cannot be changed.


[as you wish.]

After a brief silence, Ling Zun responded.

The spiritual realm is stirring, and the nameless information is spreading, all the way to the far side, shocking countless creatures hiding themselves in the spiritual realm.

The message was transmitted to the destination where it should have been transmitted, where it was received by the Great Destruction.

Yes, that is the coordinates of a star, the world where the popul hegemons were taken away, and now occupied by collectors.

After confirming the location of the collectors, the Great Destruction will take action.

"The star suddenly changed! It\'s a great destruction! The coordinates have been transmitted, and all of them have entered the superluminal speed!" The cluster leader issued an emergency order and collectively entered the superluminal speed again.

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