Unlimited Power 03: The Sinful Ruler

Chapter 60 Reality (4)

Jake managed to protect the girls, but even so, the smell of the poison was making them lose health quite fast. Lana used Heal like there was no tomorrow on everyone, but what really saved the party was Aura Healing. Everyone\'s health was at dangerous levels when the rain of Poison Arrows ended. Fortunately, Jake had some red leaves, and the girls bought potions earlier. Still, Jake barely had time to recover thirty percent of his health when the boss charged at them again.

Deadly Queen Bee Lv 75

Health: 7235/10050

Mana: 8520/12500

Stamina: 4050/4200

The last attack made the monster use a lot of mana, so Jake knew that the boss couldn\'t use it more than three or four times. Still, it was dangerous enough.

"Use your best attack when this freak tries to fly away again," Jake said when he blocked the boss\' charge with his katana and scabbard.

In the next moment, Louise attacked the monster\'s face with Fireball, and that made the creature lose some strength. Once again, Jake jumped to attack, but he used an upward slash this time. The beast tried to block it with its arms, but Jake used Bash and then Double Strike to overpower the guard. The boss\' arms moved upward, leaving its face completely defenseless. Jake bombarded the boss with several Mana Blades from point-blank range and only stopped when he ran out of mana.

The creature suffered so much critical damage that it even was left stunned for a short time while its face was bleeding. For a moment, Jake thought of jumping on the monster\'s back and then beheading it from there like before, but this time, the boss didn\'t have a limit on how high it could fly. So, Jake gave up on that. Instead, he attacked the wings of the monster with all his might, but even though they were pretty thin, they were sturdy… Jake\'s Bash, followed by Double Strike, only made a ten-centimeter cut in one of the wings. However, it made the boss tremble all over.

When the boss recovered, it was welcomed by a massive Fireball on its face. The creature didn\'t even have time to express its anger toward Jake, and it already had to look at Louise.

Before the monster could do anything, Jake tried to attack the damaged wing, but the boss flew upward to escape Jake\'s range. The creature tried to hit him with Poison Arrows again, but Jake could run faster, and while circling around the area, he dodged all the attacks. Meanwhile, Louise hit the monster\'s damage with Ice Arrow. The whole party had already noticed that the beast was slower than before, but it was hard to say if it was due to its health or due to the damage to the wings.

At first, the creature tried to repel the arrows with its arms, but whenever the boss did that, its arms grew a bit heavy due to the ice. It was a great chance to drink some mana potions, but instead of that, Jake dashed toward the monster and tried to hit the monster\'s face. The boss blocked the attack with its frozen arms and then regretted it when those began to crack. Louise hit the monster\'s damage wings with several Ice Arrows in the next moment. Those freeze it a little bit as well, so once he landed, Jake jumped yet again to strike, but the monster flew away to the top of the beehive.

The group waited for the rain of Poison Arrows, but instead of that, they saw countless Deadly Bees leaving the beehive… it seemed that the queen bee could control them, forcing them to stay inside the beehive while they spawned. Nevertheless, Jake stepped forward to attack them, and Louise charged another big Fireball.

The monster noticed that the next attack could become a problem and decided to leave the beehive, but Louise was faster and fired the projectile. Still, thanks to the size, the spell was slower than usual, but the boss was wounded, so the creature didn\'t have the chance to escape. The flames engulfed half of the monster\'s body, making it scream in pain. When Jake finished the last of the pawns, he saw that. It seemed that he wasn\'t going to become the MVP again…

While grunting in agony, the boss began to fall from the beehive, putting the whole structure on fire. Jake dashed toward the monster since their health wasn\'t decreasing fast enough. However, when he got close enough to attack, the creature suddenly recovered and swung both arms toward Jake. Jake ignored that since it was the golden chance to strike the wide-open face of the beast. One of the arms pierced the left side of his belly, and the other Jake reflected to the side with his scabbard, but in exchange for that hellish pain, Jake managed to pierce his katana down the face of the monster. After using Bash and Double Strike.

Despite all that much damage, the monster still was struggling alive. Jake tried to put more strength into his arms, but while his sword pierced the monster\'s head, it also made the arm of the creature pierce his stomach. When his health reached dangerous levels, just was forced to stop.

"What is that idiot doing?" Lana asked.

In the end, a Fireball was what finished the monster. Jake stepped backward and felt some pain while the wound in his stomach began to bleed a lot more. In the end, he had to use several red leaves to contain it.

You obtained 7777 coins.

Congratulations! The class Squire has leveled up.

Congratulations! The class Gladiator has leveled up.

Congratulations! The class Swordsman has leveled up.

Jake sighed in relief when he received that notification and then felt pretty good when he found a cape on the side of the boss\' body.

Natural Cape

Poison Resistance (0%), master this item to obtain the skill permanently.

Durability: 15/15

Poison Resistance: it decreases the effects and damage caused by poison by one point per level.

Jake was waiting for a little more to consider the battle he just had, but since it was the drop of a boss, he assumed that the item was hard to get.

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