Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 339

Both men were astounded to be called by their full names. But Puula’s next question left them speechless.

“Your wife and sister should be in Nightscape City, correct? Together with your child and nephew?”

At that moment, it was as if they weren’t on a battlefield. Lambier and Marsel stiffened their backs and found themselves unable to look away from the fox chief’s soft gaze.

It took a few seconds, but Lambier finally swallowed some of the thoughts blocking him from speaking. “I... I have a son?”

“Oh? You didn’t know?”

“I have a son?!”


“I have a nephew?!”

“That’s why Vloz and I selected you as potential targets for hire. Because we felt your loyalty would lay with your family and not the other mercenaries,” Puula continued. “We were planning to have you meet with the council to discuss how best to integrate you and your family into the territory, whether as affiliated perennials or as a new patrician family.”


“LAM!” Marsel quickly smacked his brother-in-law, trying to force Lambier back into reality. “Speak up, don’t just spout nonsense!”

Ignoring how rough Marsel was acting, Lambier nodded. “But King Portro–”

“No one told you?” Nixt questioned with a proud laugh. Noting the bewilderment behind their eyes, Nixt exclaimed, “King Portro is dead!”

“WHAT?!” It was Marsel who shouted in shock this time, getting a prompt slap from Lambier as a result. “But how can–”

“Why else do you think you rushed in without a real plan? Because King Portro had already died before Bicard gave the order. But we thought you would know that, Lambier,” mentioned Puula, giving him a curious look.

“I... I remember passing on a restricted message. But I never saw it. It was the sort that would destroy itself immediately after opening, so I wasn’t able to steal a peek... Are you sure–”

“Your family should be safe and sound. I imagine King Portro’s influence over the region should be wiped out within the next couple of days, if not by now. At least, according to our knowledge and intel,” Puula stated, nodding to Nixt.

“You’re serious? You’re just going to let my sister and nephew come here without holding them hostage?” Marsel questioned with a serious stare.

“Do you think we’re that sort of territory?” Hurman chuckled, tossing and catching the two empty rings for emphasis. “Now that this is over, you don’t think Vloz would be able to just silence the both of you without a problem?”

Both men instinctively swallowed some saliva at the thought.

But Hurman continued regardless, showing a friendly smile. “It would be helpful to have another human patrician clan. You’d be the second, with mine being the first. There’s still a discussion to be had, but such a position isn’t out of reach.”

“Why though? Why offer that?” Lambier asked.

“That depends. You’ll only be rewarded such an honor if you can offer something to Iron Territory. This place is all about give and take, having a balance of responsibility split among everyone to create a more free utopia of sorts. I’m still new here, but my family has been very happy to represent Iron Territory.”

“Hey, Pops, what do we do with the dead?”

Hearing that, Hurman shrugged. “Johan, don’t speak so casually on the battlefield.”

“Sorry. Commander, what would you have us do with the fallen?” Johan rephrased with a roll of his eyes.

But it was Puula who answered, “Separate those of Iron Army and those of the mercenaries. After we’ve tallied the casualties, we’ll decide what to do next.”

“And loot?” Johan asked.

Puula nodded. “No cores should be removed just yet but you’re all allowed to remove any void equipment and claim your own findings. But if you find something you think will be valuable to the territory, there will be a chance to present it to Vloz so that he may purchase it.”

“Perfect! I’ll let the men know!” Taking off, Johan returned to the ranks of the Iron Army and spread the word.

Startled to hear such an order, Lambier blinked. “Are you sure about that?”

“That was part of the offer the men received before battle. It makes for great motivation and helps keep them from simply hiding their findings anyway,” stated Hurman. “At least this way the most valuable things end up with the territory and the soldiers all feel properly compensated for their hard work. The gorillas even offered to pay the families and clans of those who fell in battle.”

“That’s too generous,” laughed Marsel.

“Maybe, but it was better motivation than anything your side offered,” Puula stated, leaving Marsel and Lambier silent. “Either way, that’s how we do things and hope to do things in the future as well. For now, if you’re hoping to claim a seat on the Patrician Council, then you’ll need to think about what you can offer the territory. Maybe chatting with Hurman and his sons can help you. So I’ll be off to handle my own duties.”

Leaving with a bow of her head, Puula took off toward the earthen dome at the rear of the battlefield.

“So, what are your thoughts?”

Marsel blinked and laughed some more, “I find this too good to be true.”

“A sound conclusion. But what else do you have on the table? Anything from your previous employer apart from a potential hostage situation?” Hurman mentioned with a smug, sarcastic grin. Since both men were silent, Hurman stored the severed heads and his sword. “Even if it sounds too good to be true, know that it’s not easy to be a patrician family. I got lucky but still had to prove my commitment. You’ll have to do the same regardless of what position you end up with.”

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