Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 535 - 535 End of Round One

“Thank you, King Jeerda.” Zelsh gratefully bowed along with all nearby kings.

Oli and his team could see the Rhyner team in the distance as well. It was obvious since Hiztor was pointing back at them while shouting inside a silent formation.

But Zelsh didn’t care and neither did Rhyner, who waved for his team to approach the shrine’s teleportation circle. They were the first to leave.

The teams began to approach the circle one by one. Oli’s team had decided to wait and leave once every team member had a chance to relax after their climb. Seeing that, one team left the line and walked over to Zelsh behind their respective king.

“Zelsh,” the king bowed while he scanned over the Rot Team.

Nodding back, Zelsh asked, “What’s up, Eagat?”

“I’ve been told that it was your candidates that helped save my daughter and her team,” said Eagat. “Which of your candidates is Oliver?”

Oli bowed. “That would be me, King Eagat.”


Bowing his head, the king smiled warmly. “Thank you for helping my daughter make it back safely. That was our main goal this time around, and you made it possible.”

“I was just doing what I thought was best for my team,” quipped Oli. “Besides, we got the chance to face the Rhyner Team in the process, which was rewarding enough.”

“You speak as if the Rhyner Team did something to you during the first round. It wasn’t just your team attacking them for the sake of the competition?” asked Eagat.

Oli shook his head. “Nope. We wanted to get back at them because of this.”

A panther corpse suddenly appeared on the ground in the middle of everyone. Within seconds, both Zelsh and Eagat were dumbstruck while looking it over.

“I was going to ask anyway, so I’ll do it now. Master Zelsh, what’s a pseudo-perennial?”

With bulging eyes, Zelsh looked back at Oli. “... Was this panther a pseudo-perennial?”

“That’s what it claimed. And it definitely felt different than any elders or perennials I know,” explained Oli. “I was lucky to bring it down before any of us were killed by it.”

Confused but inferring what might be true, Eagat asked, “Oliver, how does this relate to you wanting to fight the Rhyner Team?”

“It was the Rhyner Team that dumped this thing on us. They ran through our camp and left so the panther targeted us instead.”

Nodding slowly, both Zelsh and Eagat understood the weight of such an encounter.

Zelsh chuckled while proudly slapping Oli’s back, “Then it serves them right to get eliminated!”

“I agree… Still, thank you, Oliver. With your aid, my daughter and her team made it back safely without grave injuries. I know you’re already a pupil of Zelsh and therefore an ally of our region, but please accept my gratitude regardless.”

“You’re welcome,” Oli responded with a full bow.

Eagat raised his head and looked back over at his daughter. “What do you have to say?”

“Thank you, Oliver. Your help in that time of need meant more to me than you know,” Crystal stated with a formal bow. “If there’s anything I can do in the future to help you, please ask.”

Oli bowed back but said nothing. He was all for creating a bond as allies, but he could sense something else hidden in the awkward tension that suddenly appeared mid-conversation.

Laughing, Zelsh questioned, “Don’t tell me you’re wanting to play matchmaker? Not when we still haven’t hooked up Kraz and Jeeta.”

Eagat chuckled, “Sorry but I can’t speak for my niece. That’s up to Jeerda. But I can speak for my daughter. And she’s told me that Oliver is someone worth getting to know.”

Bowing again, Oli replied, “I’m sorry, but I’m likely not very compatible with Young Mistress Crystal. I’m a ruffian nomad that luckily met the right people, which eventually made me a pupil of Master Zelsh. Not only do I lack the ability to hold my tongue, but I’m not compatible with Crystal in terms of cultivation. Unless she somehow wields earth and dark essence.”

“But as fellow humans, essence compatibility can be overlooked so long as genuine feelings blossom,” Eagat replied.

“That may be true. But for the time being, I’m only focused on training. Until I’m at least a king, I don’t plan to focus on anything else,” Oli spoke even more bluntly. “I feel someone like my teammate Fulkar would be far more compatible in both personal life and essence.”

Eagat was speechless. Speaking to such a youth, it was hard for Eagat to express his gratitude along with his daughter’s intentions.

But Zelsh chimed in, “Hey, that’s not a bad idea, Oliver! Fulkar, step forward!”

Confused but compliant, Fulkar stepped up and bowed. “Yes, Master Zelsh?”

“Fulkar is heir to a business family which is currently undergoing a strong growth spurt. His essence types are water and wind, with a focus on icy essence natures. Not only would he be able to handle the stress of joining a regional king’s family, but he’s perfectly compatible in terms of cultivation. He’s also still young, only twenty-two years old. How about we set up a date tomorrow while we’re in town?”

Crystal blinked while she looked at the young man. It was rare for her parents to approve a suitor and even rarer for Crystal to actually go on a date. But she had no reason to refuse or think badly about the matter. At least it would let her get out of her protective household and meet new people.

Fulkar blushed while keeping his head bowed. He never would’ve suggested such a thing. But Fulkar wasn’t going to say no to such an opportunity. From a professional, business perspective, Fulkar could only say yes. And since he thought Crystal was beautiful and seemed to be a nice girl, that gave him all the more reason to just keep quiet and see what happens next.

Squinting, Eagat looked over both Fulkar and Oli. He had his sights set on Oli but he was a bit curious to see more from Fulkar after Zelsh’s introduction. “... Fulkar, how strong is your fatigue right now?”

“Thanks to Oliver making my climb easier, I would say my exhaustion is minimal,” Fulkar answered.

“Very good… Are you interested in taking my daughter on a date?”

“I am!” Fulkar confidently answered, raising his head to meet Eagat’s gaze. “Not only is your daughter beautiful but she’s kind-hearted and can be decisive when she needs to be, such as when she requested to surrender for the sake of her injured teammates.”

“Oh…” Eagat didn’t say it, but he was impressed. “... Crystal, would you be interested in a date from this man your age?”

Crystal nodded. She was also taken aback by Fulkar’s unexpected answer.

Seeing her daughter’s smile, Eagat looked back at Fulkar. “Very well… Then I have a proposition for you, Fulkar. After returning to Avalanche City, you may come with me and I’ll test your abilities. If you pass, I’ll set up a date between you and my daughter. Do you accept?”

“I do.” Fulkar bowed again with a hint of a smile. “Thank you, King Eagat.”

“Don’t forget to thank Zelsh. Without his referral, I wouldn’t have even looked at you… And, Oliver, are you certain you don’t want a date with my daughter?”

Before Oli could reply, Zelsh laughed, “Sorry, Eagat, but Oli was just being polite. Sure he’s a training freak, but he’s already got someone in mind. At least, he has someone lined up for after he’s won the Mortal Championship and can focus on things beyond training.”

Eagat noticed a flicker in Oli’s neutral expression. So Eagat smiled and shook his head, “Well, that’s just too bad… I’m sorry for being so pushy, Oliver. It’s just rare to find an elder strong enough to kill a pseudo-perennial, and one that’s an ally of my clan no less.”

“I’m also sorry. Your daughter seems to be a pretty and pleasant woman. But I’m just too focused on other things to dabble in anything romantic at the moment,” Oli stated, sticking to his reasoning while trying to not offend Crystal.

“Now then, let’s head back,” Eagat insisted. “Everyone else is gone so there’s no need to wait any longer. Fulkar, would you like to come with me now?”

Nodding, Zelsh shoved Fulkar forward. “Take him! And don’t worry, Fulkar isn’t fragile.”

Eagat laughed while he led Fulkar and his team to the teleportation circle.

Impressed, Freele laughed, “Look at you two playing matchmaker!”

“Hey, Eagat started it,” Zelsh chuckled and stepped toward the circle.

Oli nodded with a subtle smile. “Besides, Fulkar is a much better fit than I. I have too many things going on and too many responsibilities to help run a region.”

While Zelsh and Oli casually walked to the teleportation circle, Freele and Trenk were dumbstruck. Oli’s nonchalant comment was too much. And the fact that Zelsh didn’t refute or correct Oli made the verbal blow land even harder.

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